Zinc Undecylenate
Cas No :
Synonyms :
Form :
Molecular Weight :
431.92 G/Mol
Molecular Formula :
Melting Point :
118 - 121 °C
Description :
Zinc Undecylenate is the zinc salt from undecylenic acids widely utilized as an antifungal in cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and personal care products. It's an essential element in medicated powders, lotions, and sprays for feet because of its antimicrobial and skin-protective qualities. It also has applications for industrial lubricants, as well as special chemical formulations.
Pharmaceutical & Healthcare Industry: They are used in antifungal and antimicrobial products, such as medicated creams, powders, and sprays for feet. It can treat foot and ankle ailments as well as ringworm and other fungal skin conditions. It acts as a skin protector when applied in the form of topical Ointments.
Cosmetic & Personal Care Industry: It is used in cosmetics, body powders as well as skincare products to control odor and have skin-soothing characteristics. Incorporated in foot care products to prevent fungal growth.
Industrial Applications: Serves as an additive for lubricant for specific industrial processes. In special chemical formulations needing antifungal protection.
Storage Tips: Please keep it in an airtight, dry, airtight storage container that is in a dry, cool, and well-ventilated space. Avoid moisture as well as strong agents for oxidation.
Personal Safety Precautions: Avoid inhalation, ingestion, and direct skin or eye contact. Utilize protective gloves and safety glasses and wear a mask for your face for dealing with.
Spills & Fire Precautions: Use appropriate absorbent materials to clean spills safely. Please get rid of it in accordance with the local laws governing the environment.
Lucknow offers a variety of trusted vendors that provide top-quality Zinc Undecylenate for use in pharmaceutical Cosmetic, industrial, and pharmaceutical applications.
ChemicalBull is a top manufacturer of pure Zinc Undecylenate for personal, medical, as well as industrial applications.
ChemicalBull assures large and customized orders with quick and efficient delivery service.
ChemicalBull offers a range of packaging choices as well as competitive pricing and worldwide shipping options to Zinc Undecylenate.
To get complete information on safety precautions, exposure hazards and emergency protocols For more information, download the MSDS of Zinc Undecylenate by ChemicalBull. The MSDS contains information about the health risks, storage guidelines, and measures for first aid.
It is mostly used for antifungal medicines as well as skincare products and treatments for foot health.
Yes, it's appropriate for topical use. However, it is important to use the proper method of handling to avoid accidental inhalation or ingestion.
Zinc Undecylenate 557-08-4 is a solid. Additionally, the category includes Undecanoates, Zinc Compounds, Cosmetic Chemicals, Fragrance Ingredients, Aroma Chemicals, and Flavor and Fragrance Agents. Keep the container well closed and place it in a dry, well-ventilated area. To prevent leakage, open containers must be kept upright and thoroughly resealed. Keep stored in a cool place.
Zinc Undecylenate offers antifungal properties, complementing the mild, floral aroma of Phenoxanol in formulations.
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