Trimethylsilyl Isocyanate
Cas No :
Form :
Molecular Weight :
115.21 G/Mol
Molecular Formula :
Boiling Point :
90 - 92 °C
Flash Point :
-5 °C
Description :
The ChemicalBull Company is a leading Supplier of Trimethylsilyl Isocyanate in Vapi. Trimethylsilyl isocyanate was used in the post-synthesis modification of isoreticular metal-organic frameworks. Its applications are Organic Synthesis ,Pharmaceutical Industry, Synthesis. Its moleculer weight is 115.21 g/mol and chemical formula is C4H9NOSi. ChemicalBull deal Trimethylsilyl Isocyanate in all major pharma industries.
Calcium caseinate and trimethylsilyl isocyanate could be linked in chemical synthesis, where trimethylsilyl isocyanate might be used to modify the surface of calcium caseinate for creating novel biomaterials, such as controlled-release drug delivery systems or protein-based coatings.
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