3-Bromopropyl Trimethylammonium Bromide
Cas No :
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Melting Point :
212 °C
Description :
3. The compound 3779-42-8, boropropyl trimethylammonium bromide, is solid. 3-Bromo-N,N,N-Trimethylpropan-1-Aminium Bromide is another name for it. Synthesis, dye intermediate synthesis, organic synthesis, chemical synthesis, pharmaceutical synthesis, and inorganic synthesis are among its uses and applications.Organic Chemical Compounds, Trimethyl Compounds, Methylammonium Compounds, Trimethylammonium Compounds is its category. Storage: Keep the item(s) cold. With the lid tightly shut, keep the container in a dry, well-ventilated environment. To prevent leakage, open containers must be kept upright and thoroughly resealed.
This quaternary ammonium compound, often used in surfactants or as a reagent in chemical synthesis, could potentially interact with Dioctyl Adipate, a plasticizer used to modify the flexibility and processing properties of polymers, to produce specialized chemical formulations or emulsions.
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