A common and deadly medical disorder called occlusive artery disease (OAD), also known as arterial occlusive disease or peripheral arterial disease (PAD), is defined by the constriction or obstruction of arteries that carry blood to different regions of the body, most frequently the limbs. Atherosclerosis, a gradual and inflammatory buildup..
A common and deadly medical disorder called occlusive artery disease (OAD), also known as arterial occlusive disease or peripheral arterial disease (PAD), is defined by the constriction or obstruction of arteries that carry blood to different regions of the body, most frequently the limbs. Atherosclerosis, a gradual and inflammatory buildup of fatty deposits, cholesterol, and other substances on the inner walls of arteries that causes them to grow narrow and less flexible, is the most common cause of this illness. As a result, the damaged arteries struggle to supply the tissues and organs they support with enough oxygen-rich blood. Peripheral artery disease, which largely impacts the arteries in the legs and feet, is one of the most common types of occlusive artery disease. Intermittent claudication, which is characterized by limb pain, cramps, or exhaustion during physical exercise, is a common symptom of PAD and can severely restrict a person's mobility and quality of life. Critical limb ischemia, a condition in which a lack of blood supply can cause tissue damage, non-healing ulcers, and, in severe cases, limb amputation, can result from severe cases of PAD. In addition to the peripheral arteries, occlusive artery disease can also damage the carotid arteries that supply the brain, the coronary arteries that supply the heart muscle, and other arteries throughout the body. Vascular events such as heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular events can result from arterial blockage, which can have fatal implications. Smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, and a family history of cardiovascular disease are risk factors for developing occlusive artery disease. For this disease to stay stable, early detection and treatment are essential. Altering one's lifestyle by giving up smoking, eating a heart-healthy diet, and getting more exercise can help lower the risk of developing arterial occlusive disease and halt its progression. Additionally, medications may be recommended to control risk factors and enhance blood flow. To restore blood flow to afflicted areas in more complex situations, procedures like angioplasty with stent implantation or surgical bypass grafting may be required.
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